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Introductions- Frater Argane

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Introductions- Frater Argane Empty Introductions- Frater Argane

Post  Argane Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:26 pm

Blessed Be the Mother-Goddess, who Dwells in Heaven.

About me...
I am male and will be 44 in 13 days. I have been a seeker of the Goddess since my teens, deciding early that patriarchial religions were not for me. I have been initiated into the Gardnerian Tradition and have been practicing Ceremonial Magick for 20+ years. Just prior to the new millenium, I joined 2 others to create the Earthly Body of the Mother-Goddess, an spiritual organization strictly devoted to the worship of the Goddess in all her forms and also the devotion and praise to Her Earthly daughters. The organization was (is) a mixture of wicca practices and ceremonial magic stressing women's mysteries.

I have been married to the same goddess for 14 years and am now raising 3 divine daughters in the wilds of Washington state.

Blessed Be!
Thou Art Goddess!
Frater Argane


Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-02-02

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Introductions- Frater Argane Empty Welcome to The Goddess House

Post  Aset Moon Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:23 am

Welcome Frater Argane

It is an honour to have a priest/son of the Goddess amongst us.

Please feel free to share some of your thoughts on this forum when you get a moment, in particular about your organisation and the work devoted to it.

I myself am of the Alexandrian Wiccan tradition and also have an interest in ceremonial magick (although not as long as you Smile

Blessings - Aset Moon

Aset Moon

Posts : 108
Join date : 2008-01-31
Location : Australia

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